
Rescuing forgotten voices means recovering word in all its forms: the spoken word, the heard word, the written word, and also the written word, which is often the only direct material that comes to us from many women. If it's true that the impact of the poetic creations resulting from the VENTRILOQUIA project could be long-lasting in the memory of the spectators and participants (after all, memory is the organic archive par excellence), it's also true that the material produced by these women deserves to have its physical support, guaranteeing its immortal place in the history of Portuguese literature.

The works published in the VENTRILOQUIA Collection are carefully selected examples, both for their diversity (conceptual, experiential, geographical) and for their proximity to the shows performed, in an editorial collaboration with Livraria Tivre de Papel.

Maria da Graça Varella Cid

Incomplete Poetry


Maria da Graça Varella Cid's poetry seems to make the body the motive and engine of the poem. The body, as a nation of the sensitive, seems to be the place where we write and read: words that open furrows, others that heal on the skin. Words that take root and nourish stars. The place where we arrive, the poem, can also be a goal. The corporeality of the poems sacralises the gaze of those who look at them and makes the reader deeply intimate with the author's voice. And under this consenting intimacy sprouts the root of the secret desired city that is an example of the world to come.


The debut launch of the book POESIA INCOMPLETA took place at the SÃO LUIZ Theatre on 10 February 2023, with the presence of Cátia Terrinca and Ricardo Boléo (UMCOLETIVO) and Fernando Ramalho (Tigre de Papel).

The book is on sale at bookshops in Lisbon, including the Paper Tiger Bookshop and Snob Bookshop

Alice Sampaio

PENELOPE - The Infanta Volumes I and II

Alice Sampaio rewrote Ulysses with stories and conversations, with her typewriter. She dreamt Penelope with her body, with the earth, with time itself. It's so old that we find ourselves in it. Between the silences of stars, Alice Sampaio erased and rewrote the texts, although the breath of reading takes us back to an idea of tireless, endless, infinite writing. Infinite as the stars are, as poems are.


The launch of the book PENELOPE Vol 1 and 2 took place at the Eduardo Lourenço Municipal Library on 12 May 2023, with the presence of Cátia Terrinca and Ricardo Boléo (UMCOLETIVO), Ana Sampaio and Fernando Ramalho (Tigre de Papel).

The book is on sale in bookshops in Lisbon, including Livraria Paper Tiger and Snob Bookshop

Luísa Demétrio Raposo

The Fire of the Fire