Memory of Matter
Is it a world or a womb?
From where we look at life, we're not sure how big or important it is.
Maria Mello Giraldes wrote with the same inspiration with which the stars shine. It thrills because it heralds the unknown, other beings and other symbols, "mirrors of stone" (as Isabel de Sá says). The show points past and future in the same direction. The memory of matter is also the matter that memory is made of.
So perhaps the Mad Sailor and the Alone Woman on stage are the same being. Stranded in a time that, in the end, doesn't exist. And on a boat that, after all, is.
Technical and Artistic File
Dramaturgy - Ricardo Boléo
Interpretation - Cátia Terrinca and Carlos Mil-Homens
Scenography - Bruno Caracol
Costumes - Raquel Pedro
Light design - João P. Nunes
Music and sound composition - Carlos Mil-Homens
Mediation - Rui Salabarda Garrido
Production - A COLLECTIVE
Portalegre Arts and Entertainment Centre
Support: Culture - Directorate-General for the Arts
Fontenova Studio Theatre and Silly Season Collective
UMCOLETIVO is an artistic organisation funded by the Portuguese Republic - Culture / DGArtes.