Premiere on 31 May 2024 at the Portalegre Arts and Entertainment Centre
IRRAR is a 30-minute performance designed for families of up to 40 people at a time. On stage, there are five performers who negotiate between themselves the possibilities of making mistakes in order to love humanity. Based on the literary experiences of Salette Tavares, the fragmentation of bodies, syllables and words is played with, with the scene taking place between pieces of mirrors: the actors' bodies are reorganised according to new bodies, invented from the fragments of those we already know. The spectator also makes mistakes, taking advantage of the freedom to see beyond the everyday. The bodies, like the words, are mirrored in others and are broken into several, because the bodies as words allow for a mostly silent show, spoken in Portuguese Sign Language. The word is also visible in animated form and manipulated with errors (which give it soul and voice) - thus also affirming a place for the spectator in which there is room for everyone, without the need for extraordinary sessions. IRRAR is permeable: on the street or in the theatre, for children or adults, families or schools.
"We can consider Irrar as a long concrete poem in prose. But it is also a narrative that follows the endless wandering/"irrance" of the narrator-"pueta" through the concrete and mental landscapes of a Lisbon of all times. Death, omnipresent through the character of the cancerous aunt, opens up space and time for a philosophical-poetic eternity through meditation and vision.
The reader is also invited to "irrar" the Portuguese language, making irros that defy any spelling reform. The poet's voice rebels against the norm, giving an ironic and humorous tone to her "hilarious" narration, her "joke".
The language invented by Salette Tavares in Irrar abounds in orality effects, along with wise references. As an experimental text, Irrar promotes a humanism made up of encounters, attention to others, care and, in other words, love." (From the foreword by Catherine Dumas.)
Technical and Artistic File
Creation and Production - A COLLECTIVE
Dramaturgy - Ricardo Boléo, from the work of the same name by Salette Tavares
Interpretation - Beniko Tanaka, Cátia Terrinca, Enano, Janice Iandtriksy and Zetho Cunha Gonçalves
Scenography - Bruno Caracol
Costumes and Props - Raquel Pedro
Light and Sound - João P. Nunes
Mediation - Rui Salabarda Garrido
Support for the movement - Daniel Gorjão
Partners - S. Lourenço Secondary School (Portalegre), Municipality of Portalegre, Sublime X
Co-producers - CAEPortalegre and Cine-Teatro Louletano